23 August 2005

22 August - Edinburgh Festival News

We spent the last few days in London catching up with some family and friends.

On Thursday we caught up with Alice (a friend of Tahnees) who Tam spoke to about entering the recruitment field four years ago. Lovely girl but I was surprised she was happy to catch up as she was still in recruitment (I don't think Tam would recomend the industry to anyone now)! On Thursday afternoon we caught up with Leon and Jean (Rebecca's in-laws) in Covent Garden for traditional English afternoon tea. They dropped off our UK mobile and Tam is feeling much better as she is now 'contactable'.

Leon is a professional artist and you can see his current work at http://www.openeyegallery.co.uk/artist.php?artist=Leon%20Morrocco%20ARSA%20RGI&Gallery=Open%20Eye

We then caught up with my cousin Rob who has been in the UK and Copenhagen for the past 3 years. We met at Putney and had a pint (I didn't finish it) and then tapas. A great night with a cousin I don't see often enough. He's keen to get back to Melbourne for all of you IT recruiters. He's had seven years SAP project experience with PWC and IBM.

Our last day we started early and went to Portobello Road market before meeting up with Anne (from Julia Ross Melbourne) who is looking for work in London for a few months. Suprisingly she lives in Putney so we met in the same area as the night before.

We arrived in Edinburgh yesterday and have a great apartment right in the centre of town (off Grassmarket). A big improvement from our shoebox in London.

We saw Cabaret Decadanse last night (puppetry in the form of 20's Paris caberet) which was fantastic and a not so good show called School Ties (uni review standard) so our strike rate is 50%.

Off to the Tattoo tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off to the tattoo hey - and where are you getting that tattoo??
Great idea this - good to see you have a good time - D, K & Ethan

2:19 PM  

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